
How do you decide what to read next?

I found myself at the library the other day picking up Little Bee and decided to just peruse the shelves. Now, I have 74 books suspended on my holds list waiting to be unleashed for my reading pleasure, but I figured straying from that predetermined list might be fun.

However, once I hit the aisles, I remembered - I suck at perusing the shelves. I can never remember books I've been wanting to read or authors I've enjoyed in the past. So I just walk up and down the fiction section, head titled to the side to read the titles, and ultimately end up picking some pink chick lit book because I'm overwhelmed.  

So I turn to you, my 8 loyal followers: how do you guys keep track of book suggestions/ideas? And how do you decide what to read next? Any recommended blogs, websites, etc. for finding your next read?


  1. My aunt is a manager at Borders, so she usually gives me really good recommendations! Also, I've told enough people about my reading obsession as of late (last year or so), and finally people are starting to give me books as gifts! They usually pick from the bestseller's list...I'm not good at articulating what "type" of books I enjoy. I still really don't know, but I'm having fun finding out!

    To keep track of books I don't own/receive, I use my library's website. It has the option to put books on hold, so I can release my requests one at a time when I'm ready instead of suddenly getting a bunch at once!

  2. If I see a book I want to read I snap a pic on my phone or email the link to myself so I can always look there when I finally get around to picking one out :-)

  3. Samme - I am the same way about not knowing how to articulate what "type" of book I like. And most of the time I'm embarrassed to admit that what I've been reading a lot of lately is YA fiction (my friend is an 8th grade English teacher and gives really good suggestions).
